Viewing Mitsukai13's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey my name is Heather, also known as Ho-bag to some of my friends (sounds nice doesn't it?).

I like anime/manga WAY too much and have a crazy dream of one day working at Funimation so i can be surounded by what I love the most: voice actors whose voices make me melt like buttah.

If that doesn't work out I hope to go to an art college and become even more fantastical at drawing etc.

My favorite color is possibly red

Strawberry gelato in Italy tastes like heaven

I'm the laziest procrastinator EVER....and I already have senioritis during sophmore year

I own over 200 volumes of manga and 100 books....which is why I want to get a summer job at Barnes&Noble so badly...DISCOUNTSDISCOUNTSDISCOUNTS!!

I love that Skittles commercial with the singing bunny so much, even though I was freaked out by it the first time I saw it

Clowns are scary as well as porcelin dolls, people in giant bunny suits, white masks, and finally those damn ninja spider-crickets living in my basement!



Mitsukai13's JOURNAL!

welllll.....this is my journal where i put down what happens to meh and how i "feel" *coughcough* about it. or jus the random stuff that goes on with me and my friends (which happens ALOT) tho i might not post alot cause i hardly get on gaia anymore


Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

The Thirteen

Report | 05/22/2007 2:39 pm

The Thirteen


Report | 01/13/2007 8:58 pm


*shivers at the sight of it*
SO creative!!!!!!!


I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Gaara *heart*
Owner: Mitsukai13

Click here to adopt your own!