
Why hello there!
I'm not stupid enough to give out my real name, Lord knows what kind of creepers are out there, but you all can call me Sakka. That means poet in Japanese.
My likes? I like to write and read stories and poetry, eat pocky, talk to my friends, and read manga and watch anime.
What about things I don't like? I don't like liars or fakes, tomatoes, when people tease me or others about anything, lemon fics and animal abusers, among many other things that I'm too lazy to list.
My favorite TV shows? Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Loveless, and many others.
Favorite books? Twilight, the House of Night series by P.C. and Kristen Cast, and the Harry Potter series.
I'm overweight, what I'm starting to loose some pounds! Last week I lost eight punds alltogether! I'm finally able to fit into stuf from Hot Topic!
I'm not Goth or Emo, by the way, I just dress darker than most of my friends. Got it memorized?