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TheWaffleKitty's avatar

Last Login: 02/25/2016 9:35 pm

Registered: 03/25/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere in Rochester . . . <.< >.>

Birthday: 06/21/1995


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dulcettt Report | 03/16/2013 12:07 pm
Hahahheheheheh youuuuuuu suck 3nodding
dulcettt Report | 03/16/2013 12:02 pm
Hello Wally you're. ÜBER cute nd recycled bye bye. whee
Silver Circuit Report | 03/18/2012 5:23 pm
Silver Circuit
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I remember those nostrils.
the lonely meme Report | 02/03/2012 3:14 pm
the lonely meme
I require you to change the picture of me on your profile:

User Image
Silver Circuit Report | 01/20/2012 2:01 pm
Silver Circuit
Hey there yuung missy
Mr Pervz Report | 12/09/2011 4:03 pm
Mr Pervz
-hugs- Ic ic that good. =3
Mr Pervz Report | 12/07/2011 9:23 pm
Mr Pervz
Try not to do alot. Its not healthy. o.o
Mr Pervz Report | 12/07/2011 10:47 am
Mr Pervz
Waffles! -pets- =3
Silver Circuit Report | 12/06/2011 1:38 pm
Silver Circuit
My hair gun get highlighted friday! biggrin
whassupwhassupguuuuuurl? blaugh
Mr Pervz Report | 12/02/2011 8:55 am
Mr Pervz
Hahahaha ic ic. =3

all about me

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Avi Art: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Hi everyone, I'm Ayla, but you can call me Misaki or Misa-chan. I am an extremely random person so I will give you some facts about myself:
-I'm 15 and a Sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL
-I'm an extreme otaku who's read over 7 manga and watched over 30 anime!
-I love Ryder trucks for a reason that takes forever to explain.
-I play my weasel (wii) almost or every day.
-I'm very eccentric.
-My friends say that I tend to act out and over-describe everything . . . >.>
-I love rainbows! <3
-I'm not easy to hate, so far that I know of.
-I love ninjas and strawberries.
-I collect awesome hats, so far I have three!
-I love to draw, but I hate spending too much time on something.
-I dye my hair black and it's boy-short.
-Everyone calls me tall but in reality I'm just average.
-I (originally) had light brown curly hair with side-bangs which I sometimes straighten (not often though)
-I have green eyes and freckles in the summer (very little though).
-I used to be a huge twizard, but not anymore. :I
-I get terrified easily...
-I love the rain and thunderstorms, but they scare me.. O.0
-I have two manikins in my room who's names are Spaulding and Paul, we pretend that they're real people...
-My life-size Edward cardboard cut-out is better than yours! xD
-The whiteboard in my room has disturbing things written on it...
-I probe my friends with a cane. THAT'S HOW CLOSE WE ARE.
-I love, love, love waffles! I bet you couldn't guess that . . . =v=
-I've married Vaughn three times!
-I have braces which I hate with a passion.
-My friends never get along with each other. Or me, but I try to keep the peace..
-I don't like to be called normal, it's insulting.
-I take classes for Creative Writing and love it very much! ;3;

Here's my favorite insiders!
#1 "C'mon guys!" *jumps on flagpole*
#2 "Every boy likes a nice pair of boobs..."
#3 Utopia, eh?
#4 Look out, Elliot might be waiting...
#5 No Bowser, don't-d-don't please--UGH!! DX why!?
#6 "Bella!" *sound affect*
#7 "Wipe your butt!" ... *everyone cracks up*
#8 Remember the cane?
#9 Bobaloo! NOOO!
#10 Pink weed, once you've hit that you've gone to far!
#11 They've reborn! *fish*
#11 Vegeta and Weiner!! XD
#12 Le Gaspe!
#13 "Wait, those are REAL!!?"
#14 The apple and J are very much hated..
#15 Amanda=Pug, nuff' said.
#16 Don't call the police!
#17 Open close, open close . . . and then--
#18 "Congos!"
#19 *cherubino eyes with cat mouf*
#20 "Mistsuki!"
#21 *tentacle rapes*
#22 _____ and ______ are such beautiful words.
#23 Woah!!
#24 *chair brakes*
#25 "Don't ever do that again!"
#26 And that's why the chicken crossed the road for the ___th time!! XD
#27 So, how about them Redsox? ;D
#28 "She's got her hands on her hips, with attitude!"
#29 Kakaw!!
#30 Doris!
#31 WOW!
#32 "She was so humble, so nice."
#33 "Don't tell Burney . . . Don't tell me what?"
#34 Edward's watching over us . . . So you're very safe.
#35 "That's funny!" "Yeah, that's some funny s**t!"
#36 "Oh no! She's got Mr.Winkles! You gotta help me!"
#37 You're in my house!
#38 The jar . . .
#39 It's not cute, it's not funny . . .
#39 When it snows, it snows. But it might not snow sometimes, if it does snow there'll be a lot. But depending on the wind, it might snow a lot sometimes.
#40 "One of the best things about Charlie is, he doesn't hover."
#41 *pees*
#42 "Still Good!"
#43 "Whisper, whisper.."
#44 "To be honest, I don't like sausages."
#45 "We can all be turds!"
#46 "Pull that greasy pig out and BAM!"
#47 "Do it Jesus!"
#48 Praise 'da lard!
#49 "We could fly a plane," *hand gesture* "to new England and find Edward, inside of the closet of Mr. Kakerjacks. That's the only place you'll find him."
#50 j**z in mah pants!
#51 Rosy cheeks!
#52 Smells and tastes like strong man.
#53 "I'm Linda."
#54 Haters gonna hate!
#55 "BFFs!"
#56 "Are you going to eat it?" "Claire, that's disgusting."
#57 "You can fly!?" *evil glare* "That's cool . . ."
#59 "I can fly, nonono you don't understand, I can fly."
#60 Kill it with fire!!
#61 Skeet-skeet!
#62 "It's a black cloud, kill it!"
#63 Markers.
#64 Paul's a cheater and a liar!
#65 His pause was a pregnant one.
#66 Kelly Greg.
#67 Taco!!!!
#68 "Stoves can burn you, so be careful!"
#69 "We have to get the girl with the anime eyes!!"
#70 OMG NOFACE!!! *dies from happiness*
#71 I'm a hobo on the go, but you would never know!
#72 "I want the kitty!" "I want the puppy!" "I want the nuggets!"
#73 Claude Fatass, and Alois Tranny.
#74 It's the underwater chicken!!!
#75 "You're such a f*cking cutie pie!"
#76 "I'm just a duck!"

Anything else guys, just let me know yo!

tlk to me bitches

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