Well, what's there to say? I'm a Southern Graphic Artist. Deal with it. You better meet my sis Cosmee[aka Biscuit], Tie, and my main men Last and Ace. But stay away from Light. AT ALL COSTS.Inner Me: You idiot! People won't know them by the forum nicknames.
Oh well. I'm too lazy to type out their full Gaia names. Besides, it's 5 in the morning and I just finished my latest masterpiece.
Inner Me: What an excuse.
Oh shut up, go bother Light.
Inner Me: What exactly did he do to you, again?
That is personal and classified! *pulls out shotgun*
Inner Me: *screams and runs away*
I just scared myself off... *pulls trigger and water comes out the barrel* Sweet... water shotgun. Forget water pistols, we're taking it to the next level!
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T^T I thought you were on that site the whole entire time!
Okay, you know what? I'll just make your account xDD and PM it to you.
Okay so, you're on playlist.com right? Okay, let's say you're there, so there's a search bar at the left hand top corner. Click on it and search a song or artist.
And there are long coats if those work o 3o and rain coats. e_e
And okay, what you do is when you get your playlist, you go to the search box at the top and type in the artist or song name you're looking for. Then you test out the songs it gives you (in case they don't work) and if you like it click the "+" button. If you need more help just get on the forum chat and I'll try and help there. xD
Everyone uses playlist, so yeah. :3 Hope to see some music on your profile soon xD