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Birthday: 11/03


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Hey I'm That One Kid (I sometimes go by that in real life), I may not be an Artists like a good portions of all of the other Gaians, but... but... Dang it! I forget where I was going with that, so I might as well tell you a little bit about myself.

I am probably one of the least interesting characters you will ever meet. I leech of of others mannerisms interests and then eventually when I meet completely new people I pass those interests on to them, making them think I'm just this totally interesting person. when I'm friends with people who aren't friends, It's like they're being friends through me. I'm trying to stop doing this but I can't and now I'm probably going to assume the interests and talking styles of each and every one of you who decide to be my friend.

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lostcake14 Report | 04/25/2009 5:59 pm
who is this??
Princess Maddalena Report | 04/14/2009 5:09 pm
Princess Maddalena
So smile wat kind of things do you like to do?
Princess Maddalena Report | 04/14/2009 4:56 pm
Princess Maddalena
Hello ^_^
My Names is Maddy smile
How are you ????

animegal930 Report | 04/07/2009 2:56 am
lol good poin... X3 its called the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
animegal930 Report | 04/06/2009 2:32 am
OMG!! Go Somewhere and watchj it now! Its awesome!!! >.<
shadieow Report | 04/03/2009 11:12 am
lol i've been on spring break since last fridayy ;p but it does suck when you have nothing to doo >.o
shadieow Report | 04/03/2009 1:24 am
haha i guess if you say so ;p its not too bad theres other things that are worse :]
...soo watcha up to?
shadieow Report | 04/01/2009 10:24 pm
haha ;p well i cant be the first person to say thatt lol plus other people do it also :]
shadieow Report | 03/31/2009 7:31 pm
thats kool i've heard of them but i guess i never really gave em a listen :]
i like basically everything as long as the song has a good meaning or rhythm
and about ur info thing i dont care if you take something from me or w.evr just
as long as you mean it when you say it to another person :] oh and atleast your
an honest person :]
toygarlilly Report | 03/31/2009 1:43 pm
hello (:



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