o-o;; xDuhm. my name is ____ i am ____. i like _____ my ___ is _____
i am _______. i hope you enjoy.!
Birthday: 10/27
Remind me to update my interests.
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my lovingly besties <<;;
my nicest friends that are boiiz
sort of nice once you get to knoe her more. :]
Guliana: What should i be when im older.?
Jasmine: a super model
Guliana: how come?
Jasmine: you're pretty.
Guliana: you're prettier than me.
Jasmine: lies...
Guliana: ok
Jasmine: you make me feel ugly..
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my friend told me to tell all of my friends this. If someone by the name of j_neutron07 wants to add you to their list don't accept it. Its a virus. Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on your list adds them you will get it too. It is a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus. Please pass on to everyone on your list. We need to find out who is using this accounts. Sorry for the inconvenience. Copy and paste this message to everyone on your list!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! P.S. his other name is umakemefeelgo icon_ninja.gif