Hello all, it's been a few years since I updated this thing so yeah..
My name is Archangel_Crow, if you want to call me something shorter just call me Crow. Do not call me Archangel or Arch.. Archangel is a title.. nothing more.
Well.. my life is not exactly the most interesting thing in the world. I live in an apartment with three of the coolest roommates one could ever ask for. Calnywhen, DDD, and Shoku. I highly doubt any of Shoku's friends are going to read this, so I'm going to say right now Shoku is a guy. I don't do a whole lot on gaia lately, mostly because I have next to no active friends on here. There will be times when I feel like roleplaying and I'll find an interesting roleplay that hasn't gotten too far along. That's a sort of quirk I have, I won't join any rps that have more than like 30 posts... Also.. even though I have been on here for 8 whole years now, I am still not the best writer, so my posts tend to be rather short. I never really understood the reasoning behind posting 3 paragraphs to say something and explain how the wind blows through your hair... I think if you have to resort to writing about the wind blowing through your hair for 3 times the length of what your character actually did there is something wrong.
I am not very open with almost everyone, main reason behind that is everyone I have ever been open with end up stabbing me in the back.. Honestly I can't even say there is anyone around me who knows a whole lot about me.
Enough about that, I've met some of the best people I have known here on gaia, BlueWhisper, Oterys, moll0125, Mistress Zelda Uzikua, and Snowcap. I would love to add to this list, though that is difficult when I am not very active.
I love to draw, and I have fun writing short stories. I usually get about half way through a short story though and I stop because I get writer's block. Sadly the story never gets finished. Though this story I am writing right now is pretty promising. My stories always involve one or all all my characters I have been using since like 8th grade. Crow, Kenji, Keera and Urico. Then there is their master who taught them how to fight Icolis. He makes a few appearances in the stories. When it comes to drawing, I have learned I am much better at beasts then at people, though that doesn't stop me from trying time to time. I learned I can't do robots or armor very well, and I', not the greatest at clothes, specially fancy clothes. I also don't color my drawings, mainly because I can't do the chaos required for it.
Well... I think that's enough for now, I'll probably update this again in a couple years. In the mean time if you want to talk or anything just send me a PM, I'll usually respond, just may not be immediately.
new goal:
Total Value: 5,188,940 Gold
After Exclusions: 2,140,000 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Those 70s White PantsDusty White Cowboy BootsSolar MageAngelic GlovesKelp o' th' LochHoly GauntletsMythrill HaloFallen Wish 5th Gen.AngelbowWhip of IceAncient KatanaMorpheusGold Pocket WatchRoyal Wizard
My name is Crow... Archangel is my title, got a problem with it?
Everything tends towards chaos, laws are just ideas to keep everything in order
My DeviantArt
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