Viewing Just A Cannibal's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online



Well I guess I'll tell you all a little about myself. I'm your typical teenage girl, really. I have some very close friends that I love to bits. I used to take Tae Kwon Do (purple belt, oh yeah!) and now take cheer/tumble. Cheer is tougher than it looks. I like anime and manga (manga more than anime, actually) but I am not one of the "speh-shul snowflake" girls who goes around beating people with an uke paddle -- I'd like to label myself as a sane fan (but I am entitled to a little fangirling every now and again). I prefer not give out my name and age online. Sorry. But you can call me Katt if you'd like. :3

Some Fun Facts:
- I'm a budding Germanophile (real thing -- Google it if you don't believe me). I am very interested in German culture, language, literature and music.
- Mangoes are my favourite fruit. Yum!
- I'm practically nocturnal. : / Like... I don't sleep "normal" hours.
- Like cheesy, silly tacky things. Like '80's music videos, '80's movies, Hello Kitty and the old animated Disney movies (Aladin, The Lion King, etc. -- despite the terrible messages hidden by adorable characters).
- I can usually be seen lurking in Barton Town, Barton OOC and the A/M/C forums.
- In real life (and sometimes when I type) I will use the word "like" a lot. Sometimes I sound like a valley girl. DX It's been a habit since I was, like, little.
- I enjoy watching Dance Central and Just Dance gameplay.
- I have a mean sense of humor.
- I'm forever alone. OTZ (But I'm happier that way. ... Really.)

Okay that's it about me.


Bye bye!

See ya!




Auf Wiedersehen!

See ya' later, alligator!

In a while, crocodile!

Come back soon!

I'll miss you!

You still here?

-dances for no apparent reason-

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Workings Of The Inhuman Gaian

Where I write my thoughts and blah, blah, blah goes blah... =__=;;



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/15/2012 3:56 pm


Ja, darling, where have you gone?

Report | 01/27/2012 5:12 am


Omigawsh. Tae kwan do! I was a yellow belt, but then I got lazy and quit. emotion_dowant

Report | 01/15/2012 3:07 pm


Your avis so cuteeeeeee
Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/28/2011 10:10 am

Kimiko Doll

Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/24/2011 3:00 pm

Kimiko Doll

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Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/18/2011 7:38 pm

Kimiko Doll

Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/18/2011 6:48 pm

Kimiko Doll

do i look like sode no shirayuki?
i tried to make my avi look like her but gaia doesn't have the right items.
Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/18/2011 5:44 pm

Kimiko Doll

i like some of lady gaga's outfits.
that meat outfit was bizarre though.
that's one outfit i wouldn't want to wear.
Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/18/2011 5:37 pm

Kimiko Doll

she once showed up dressed decora style
people called her a hot mess. what they see as a hot mess i just call bizarre.
i like bizarre outfits.
Kimiko Doll

Report | 12/18/2011 5:31 pm

Kimiko Doll

i like all kinds of music.
nicki's songs are so funny.
even her squeaky voice, alter ego's, outfits, wigs, and accents are funny.


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