My favorite things:=}*Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl
*Pokemon Platinum
*Nintendo DSi
*Zelda,Ocarina of Time and Zelda, Twilight Princess
*Ligers and Tigons
*Camel Spiders
My not so favorite things:={
*My Chores
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there told you id comment youre profile.
My favorite pokemon would be raichu and flygon ^^
They helped me alot in the league!! XD
My fave would always be milotic v.v
But if it's only in shinno *i think thats how u spell it* I have quite a few xD
They are *ah-hem*: Gallade, Glaceon, Luxray, Roserade, Pachirisu, Floatzel, Cherrim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Garchomp, Lumineon, Froslass, Cresselia and Lucario*seriously who doesn't like Lucario xD*
Well I am a complete Pokemon freak x.O
I also hate chores and I never will razz