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Proof of Existence

Qwirx's avatar

Last Login: 06/18/2016 8:24 pm

Registered: 05/26/2009

Gender: Female

Altar of Naught

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Total Posts: 1976

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greensunGnostic on 04/20/2024

Memory's Skyscraper


Ruin and Creation's Passage

Hey, there. In real life I'm a full-time software engineer who plays too many video games. Here on Gaia I stalk the marketplace, do a bit of alchemy, rework my avatar every few weeks, and participate in events.

Primarily though, I roleplay in Barton Town.

My preferred rps are fantasy-based (be it a wacky twist on the real world, something based on a series, or just something resembling D&D). I also like sci-fi, though I've yet to find an rp to my taste in that genre. Mostly I just want something unusual going down, no slice of life here.

I like group or one-on-one rps, lazy literate (long enough to cover; short enough to keep it interesting), and prefer social interaction-based rps (though I've done my share of both action and romance).

My characters are usually:
___- Male (typically because it's the lacking gender in any given rp)
___- Quirky (either a weird species, eccentric, or borderline mental)
___- Full of backstory (I like having a well-thought-out character base)
___- Morally complex (bad guys who do good things, good guys who do bad things)

Specifically, I have experience with:
___- Super creepy bad guys
___- Hella romantic cute guys
___- Brazen heroic-type guys
___- Who-fed-you-lead-paint-as-a-child guys

If you need someone like the above (or even just another char; I can do other things too) for an rp, feel free to send me a pm with a link. I can't guarantee I'll join but I'll at least give it a look (and a <3 or a bump if it sounds cool).

_____~Qwirx Out

Fragment Crossing

View All Comments

Princess Dragonlady Report | 06/12/2015 5:06 pm
thanxs 4 buying at my store cat_smile
BeaGore Report | 06/06/2015 5:10 am
Thanks for buying! gaia_crown
Redhotsexy2012 Report | 06/22/2013 1:57 pm
thx 4 buying
Svartr Ulfr VT Report | 06/03/2013 10:04 pm
Thank you for the purchase, enjoy the product.
Babby Lookinn Finnee Report | 07/27/2012 7:04 pm
Thanks for buying! (:
Admiral McNuggets Report | 07/26/2012 8:55 pm
Thanks for buying. Enjoy your shirt!
Alt_Atlas Report | 07/26/2012 5:14 pm
ty for buy!`
Nikki` Report | 07/24/2012 1:11 pm
thank you for purchase
Evil_Guy666 Report | 08/20/2011 8:58 pm
cool avi
Coloumb Report | 07/29/2011 5:20 pm
Nice! I just horde all the items I get, even though I hardly use most of them. gonk

Nothing's Call

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