
Hello there i am Latvia a member of the Baltic trio, i have curly brown or blonde hair and purple or blue eyes. i am with russia, belarus, Estonia, ukraine, and Lithuania.

Hetalia Archives

i won independence on November 12, 1819 from Germany and Russia.


In the anime:


i am usually a crybaby because of hardships i like reading
poetry and romance and i get along with sealand!
Fan Speculations. Russia/Latvia
heart This pairing contains shota since Latvia is 15 years old and has the body of a child and Russia is old because he claims he has seen many bloodbaths and tragedies in his country. In some cases it shows that Russia holds some feelings for Latvia but hides it by bullying him.
Russia likes to "play" with Latvia by stretching him, which causes Latvia to cry
and Estonia to worry.
Fan Speculations. Russia/Canada
heart Fans mostly pair to two together because they are both snowy lands, both of them are mostly neglected by the other countries and they both love the sport of hockey.
In real life, both Canada and Russia compete with each other fiercely in ice hockey. And in 1972, the Summit Series, the Canadian men hockey team went against the Soviet Union team in a best out of eight game. In the last game, Canada won in overtime. In the Anime/Manga, Russia unknowingly sits on Canada. Fans have taken this to being a regular habit for him, and, have used this instance for situations in which Canada may 'get back' at Russia and see how he likes being sat on.
heart This pairing probably started because France once took care of a young Canada. It involves France's interest in Canada since he used to be his colony. Also, France was one of the few people who was able to recognize Canada from America, pointing out to England that Canada inherited his "silky French hair," although in a manga story he was included among the nations who didn't realize Canada was in the room too.
Fanworks for them typically focus on the long real-life history and cultural exchange between the two countries, with Canada still having a sizeable French-speaking population in modern times, or on the concept of one of the most lecherous nation in the series being in love with an oft-forgotten nation who likely wouldn't believe that anyone would be interested in him, much less someone as promiscuous as France, for drama.
heart Lithuania/Belarus is a semi-popular hetero pairing in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. It involves the two characters Lithuania and Belarus.
However, the pairing is considered purely onesided on Lithuania's part, as Belarus holds strong feelings for Russia and is said to hate Lithuania with passion.
It is commonly referred to as LitBel in the Japanese fandom due to based off of the historical name for the short union between the two nations (Litbel).
Early YearsEdit Early Years sectionEdit
Lithuania has had a crush on Belarus since childhood, yet it was never returned because of her feelings for her brother and hatred for Lithuania himself. It's also been mentioned that she has been breaking his limbs since they were little, but he either thinks little of it or simply does not care, as this doesn't seem to deter him, to the point that he turns to her with the suffix "-chan". When he did manage to go on a date with Belarus, she broke all his fingers.
Fan SpeculationsEdit Fan Speculations sectionEdit
Lithuania/Belarus is considered by many to be purely onesided on Lithuania's part, as Belarus seems to express nothing but hatred for him and tries to inflict as much damage to him as possible.
Another fan speculation is that Belarus' hatred for him stems from the fact that Russia considers him a "favorite" thought. Lithuania and Belarus know each other since they were small children and it's revealed that she has been hurting Lithuania before he became Russia's subordinate.
In many fan works, a recurring idea depicts Lithuania as the person who comforts Belarus after having been rejected by Russia.
Estonia/Latvia ... you worry to much for me Estonia
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