Viewing KailEverwood's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Umm... I can't really think of anything to say...


Viewing 12 of 92 friends


Viewing 10 of 16 comments.

Allegory Albatross

Report | 06/09/2013 9:30 pm

Allegory Albatross

ello, wondering if you were planning on continuing our rp, or if you were planning on quitting. I'd like to continue, but I understand if you're not really feeling up to it. Just wanted to know. :3
Allegory Albatross

Report | 04/18/2013 10:57 am

Allegory Albatross

*un-intrusively peeks over your shoulder* Hey buddy. How's that post going? Any way I can help?

Report | 09/08/2011 10:57 am


Don't worry about it! I won't have you arrested. This time >.>

Report | 09/07/2011 3:23 pm


:O I remember you!

Report | 06/14/2011 1:56 pm


cool avi wink

Report | 04/24/2010 9:22 am


O hai, I see you thar. :B

Nice to see someone else from GPX here on Gaia. (One must wonder how you managed to find me though...)
River ToySoldier

Report | 11/16/2009 6:33 pm

River ToySoldier

Lol yo
River ToySoldier

Report | 11/15/2009 1:07 pm

River ToySoldier

Monochrome Nightfall

Report | 08/07/2009 8:29 am

Monochrome Nightfall

XD I'm kinda lazy too.
Thank you! I just put random s**t on there, LOL
I'm thinking of putting either Rice Twilit Akatsuki or Akatsuki+ things on there- Rice and I's fanfic and my own fanfic smile

Report | 08/06/2009 2:59 pm


Wow. Maturity levels are below zero. It's so great. If you don't like Twilight, why do you find the need to protest so loudly about it? My only guess is that either you're in denial, or your IQ is so low, you find the need to acknowledge your dislike adamantly. Seriously, people; if you don't like it, keep it to yourselves. You wouldn't like it if we knocked down your little "fetishes", so don't beef when somebody posts something that they really enjoy. All it will do is get yourself in trouble

I just wanted to comment saying that you made me smile

