Things about me :D

Hello there!

Well I see you've stumbled across my profile =D
I'm roxybird and at the moment am in highschool.
I live in a faraway place with sunshine, lollipops and rainbows... or else Australia?
Anyways, I have been on gaia for a while now and I enjoy doing art (though I am FAR from professional ==") and tekteking (I'm a little obsessed with colour coordinating at the moment). I also overuse emoticons *sigh*

I enjoy going on gaia because the people online are lovely! I am almost always questing to keep myself occupied, and also spend a lot of my time lurking around in threads wondering weather I should post. Hehe, I'm a ninja in disguise =O

So now I'll leave you to your gaia-ing >w<
Have a wonderful day!