Aurora Beaumont

Aurora Beaumont's avatar

Last Login: 08/08/2022 2:54 pm

Registered: 07/20/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/05


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Take Heed... Citizens!

Even thought we are not in direct danger these are still dark times that are upon us, and I must remind you all that were are in grave danger. With He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named still out and about and those vicious unregistered magical creatures on the loose, our present situation looks dark indeed. However, do not despair! The Ministry of Magic is constantly working to make the Wizarding Community of the UK a safe haven for all wizards and witches as it has been in the past. Already we have partially remedied the problem of rampant and dangerous magical creatures and all the Auror Departments are working hard to take down more of these threats to the world. You can rest assured that many new laws will be implemented for the safety of those at risk. In the meantime, we ask that you follow these safety tips:

1. Always travel in groups.
2. Never disrupt your daily routine. That’s what they want.
3. If you see the Dark Mark, contact the Auror Office Immediately.
4. If you see a magical creature that appears dangerous, leave the area immediately.
5. If you are forced to fight said creature for whatever reason, always aim to kill.
6. Report anyone acting differently than normal. Remember that they could be under the Imperius Curse, and being controlled against their will.

Following these steps will surely help to secure your safety and the safety of those around you.

The Minister of Magic
Aurora Beaumont



Ameri[/color:2ba496f6c5]can's[/color:2ba496f6c5] Minister of Magic
Aurora Beaumont[/size:2ba496f6c5]


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