
I am __ years old. I live on Earth and eat food. If you ask for a pic, I will say no. I may put one up later this year. If you're lucky. All you really need to know about me, is that I am very very stubborn. No, not stubborn like a dog, worse. I will not talk to you unless I am spoken to, I will not add you unless I want to. If I sound like a b***h right now, sorry. I never usually talk like this. Only if I'm talking to more than one person. I try to be nice? I have a brother named Kaden and he is 11 years old. He was diagnosed with autism at age 8. It was said to be a severe case. He cannot speak. That doesn't stop him from writing poems though! Check them out, they're in the arenas under my name. If they're by him, his name will be in the discription. >.< Well, I hope I meet you one day. D; Bye.