
Name: Pyode
Age: 155
Gender: Female
Rank: Young Blood
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 175 Ibs

Pyode is a Young Blood Yautja female of about 155.
She is a fellow member of Yin'Tekai's clan,
and is currently training to become a Blooded Warrior.
Though, she has quite a ways to go.

Pyode, though very eager to train and become strong,
is essentially weak and unskilled,
especially concerning stealth and clean kills.
She has a tendancy to be easily excitable,
leading to messy trophies and many wounds.

Still, she is loyal to a fault and has great respect for her elders,
though she can become cocky and foolish at times.
She rarely is seen without some type of Ooman trinket,
be it a flower, bug, or weapon she'd "found" (read, "stolen").

Pyode is very curious about both the Humans and the Xenomorphs,
and wants to learn as much as she can about them.
She is odd in the way that her nature is non-violent and skeptical,
but is always ready to fight and follow orders if need be,

Above all else, she wants to be accepted by and become useful to her clan.
