hayz got this stuck in my head


Lil-LadyMessup's avatar

Birthday: 02/15


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Hoai, I'm Amanda
some of my passions-
Art, Reading <3, my friends, my family, the outdoors and nature, and a lot of other things.
eye color: right eye is blue, left has a lot of gold making it green.(not lying)

This is me now
wow, a lot has changed. I'm in college now and miss high school so much. its amazing how bad i wanted out of it only to be faced with more and harder challenges.
life is crazy, ll that matters is how you deal with it.

So this is me (last yr)
I'm a senior in high school and I cant waiiiiiit to get out of it.
Theres a lot of real funny people there. specially the friends that talk behind your back, the people that push you in the halls, and the people that like to know something thats none of their business. I'm really tired of high school.

If you wanna know me better just email me or something.

Whats Important to me:
Iv lost my grandma and my grandpa in only three weeks apart sad (love u grandma and grandpa, always always always) heart




not me no mooooores!