.:Salut!:..:Names:.I wish I was named something more interesting, so I won't tell you my real name. However, you can call me a bunch of different things, like Smurf, H, and that rabid Eponine/Cosette shipper.
.:Likes:.Reading, Writing, the Killers, the All American Rejects, Panic! At the Disco, role-play, Les Miserables, winter, Terry Pratchett, Harry Potter, Les Miserables, Monty Python, Spamalot, Blackadder Goes Forth, a crapload of musicals, Marvel comics, et cetera.
.:No-Likes:.Most vegetables, stupid people, needles, doctors, people who can't type a coherent sentence, crazy religious zealots, rap music, most Disney Channel shows, et cetera.
As if I ever update this piece of crap!
This is the daily(ish) journal that I, Atomic H keeps. Here you will hear all of my rants/fanboy drool/whatever the hell I put in heres. So....yeah. Whoo. And now for something completely different...
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