Viewing i c o c o S h a k e's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Wow it's been awhile since i last logged into here XD
I'm now nineteen years old (gosh its odd saying that)
Still Female rocking a male avatar wink
Still Living in the good old United Kingdom.

Hmm what else....
Oh yeah been in a new relationship since February (much better than the last real one I was in so I'm a heck of a lot happier now )

Hmmm don't really think there's much more new.. rofl


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/15/2012 4:45 pm


You're never on anymore!! sad I miss you lots!! crying

Report | 08/30/2011 12:20 am


Aw it's okay : D I probably wrote those when I was completely dead tired, so I barely remember it myself : O awww a bulldog! I never had one of those in years, they're so adorable! Hehe, all of my dogs eat snow especially when it's warm. Well it snows early here, so we make HALLOWEEN snowmen! Oooo, well, okay they're not so spooky. They usually have a pail on their heads too so they just look to silly to be taken seriously.

When I was twelve I posted tons of awful fan fiction, now that I'm taking it seriously I only put down small original stories just so I don't forget about them I suppose but no I've never put anything long in awhile :C I should post something soon. I think talent doesn't mean anything unless you're taking it seriously, creativity and originality is the thing that matters the most C: oh and fun. Lots of fun.
I'm trying to make a sims 2 video, actually, it's alot more funner than I thought it would be. You should stick to movie making, if it's like home making videos just find good actors : O and a nerd that specializes in special effects :3

It's alright, really C:
Oh and nice profile by the way : O it's so sparkly. I look so silly with my super long letters : D

Report | 08/28/2011 4:04 pm


Thanks for the buy!~

Report | 07/31/2011 9:35 am


Yep, my poor pancakes always drown in that xD

Hmm, yeah I guess so :I too bad I probably won't ever see something like that again. I think there's always too much snow here, when I let my puppy Romeo out for his first few times he jumped in it and I lost him for a few moments, my sweet baby <3

Snowwoman? Like...she makes snow bewbs for it? : O

I haven't roleplayed in YEARS, after realizing I wanted to be a writer I stopped the whole third person thing for awhile.

...Sorry it's short but there's a fight going on outside. Next door >:I

Report | 07/29/2011 8:45 am


Nope, I don't care, it was just a mistake. lol. I'm happy for you! You got away and you get to go and meet your friend. smile Thats great!!

Report | 07/29/2011 8:20 am


Hehe, not the first time I've been asked if I was from Canadia. We're not a very popular place xD well we are sorta popular for our maple syrup and bacon. My friend once jumped headfirst into the snow, she got stuck and we had to pull her out by her legs. It was hilarious though, we were able to build dens in her backyard, mine collapsed every time though especially with me in it : D
Woah, MC letters? lol man you must be sitting on a fortune : O

Haha, well, idk sometimes my friends are either gone a long time or think I'm weird, which is weird because I acted weird when I found them. Save for one, I acted like a lovestruck fan and she hasn't talked back since xD Well, you are calm C: it's nice to have a break and chat with someone who doesn't use caps lock every sentence :3 oh, and try to get me to role play xD oh man I'm so bad at that.

Report | 07/28/2011 7:14 pm


Ummm...Canada. I'm Canadian. I'm Aboriginal or First Nation, my family lived in Canada for...well forever. We are the original settlers : D It's where the polar bears are uh well there's none around here, not enough wildlife and it's too warm but there's a few about fourty hours away, in Churchill. It's very nice here, except when the weather goes bad on us. The winters are awesome too, lots of snow and even sometimes schools canceled when it gets too cold.

I love your outfits too, it's nice to see people mix and match sometimes! Haha, I'm sometimes worried about that too, I often leave messages on their profiles to remind them I'm still here. To annoy them. C: it's nice talking to someone so calm though :3

Report | 07/28/2011 5:31 pm


It's al rite, I get called a girl all the time, not that bieng called girl is al right, but yea..

Report | 07/28/2011 6:57 am


Thanks, but I am a boy... and I don't really have any freinds, thats why I'm on Gaia, so I can escape real life, and make friends online who don't judge me, everyone (even my FAMILY) has judged me once in real life. My dad, brother and cousins mostly during the summer.

Report | 07/27/2011 1:55 pm


Hmm, I should : D that would be nice~ Haha, it did. I was so tired when I got home, stupid heat. Well, it started raining again later that night so I'm feeling much better. Haha, no I'm Canadian! The weather is usually very steady but it's been very wonky for a few years now, I can't get used to it xD
Boring? You? Heck, I look forward to what crazy costume you have on next xP also it's very nice to talk to friends : D


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