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I adopted a wolf!
Name: Akela
Likes: Butterflies her owner,and Strawberries
Dislikes: Cats,Gerbils,and mean peoples!
Owner: Sunset Eyre
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Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today--Marcus Valerius Martialis

G.P's Clever Finds/Quotes

Life is what happens to you while youre working for your future..

Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep


Sunset Eyre

Sunset Eyre 's avatar

Birthday: 01/17

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Tell me somethin' I don't Know....

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The Bubbly Ducky Report | 12/02/2012 2:21 pm
The Bubbly Ducky
cool avi
nbetweener Report | 10/03/2012 4:12 am
Man, that third part of clashing with dusk must be a doozy! Taken you two years and counting.
NightimeAffairs Report | 07/21/2012 9:02 pm
oh so nooooooow you use your gaia, gaby!!!!! nice one! rolleyes
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 10/21/2010 6:57 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
bahaha i do XDD itz really great. so wussup!? i havent talked to ya in foreva!!!!!!!
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 10/18/2010 4:59 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
OMG HEY i havent been on in forevaaa XDD bahaha nd o guess wut!!! im in challenge language arts this year and im reading jane eyre for my classic novel biggrin SUP!?
IllaDew Report | 09/05/2010 10:37 pm
Thnx for approved my friend request ^_^
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 07/05/2010 3:06 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
ooo!!!!!! COOL biggrin wut about??
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 07/05/2010 2:29 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
well...okay. but still =(
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 07/04/2010 12:03 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
awww =( *sniff* well, okay.
xXAlice RockzXx Report | 06/29/2010 12:32 pm
xXAlice RockzXx
YAY xD lmfaoo
Idgaf Mane

The best friends {and big sis} a girl could have are located further down this page then I would like, but my organizaton skills are not agreeing with me{In the box know, the one that says "All my Buddies!",Maybe, If after seeing my awesome-ness you wanna chat, just click that box to the upper-left hand corner, and PM me!}

My stories and poems In the arena, Links are posted above. So Check them out! I have submitted the first two chapters chapter of the continuation of 'should I fall' called 'Clashing with dusk' so please go read them!Comment , Rate , All that good stuff! Oh, and don't forget to become a fan! *Smiles!* If that's not to obnoxious for me to ask....

My Best friend in this world

My Playlist (My Story Playlist) Now goes along, in order, with my stories! Whoo! The songs are in order with the stories, here they are (Corresponding with the numbers of the songs):
1. Good Night
2. Should I fall...(Prologue to Clashing with Dusk)
3-5. Clashing with Dusk, chapter one
6. Turn it off
7. A storm Strikes
8-9. Clashing with Dusk, Chapter two
10. One look at the sky
11. Hallelujah