
Hi there! My name is Samantha, Sam, Sammy etc. Whatever you want to call me. Most people call me Panda or Sammy though. SOOOOOOOOOO many people ask me if I really am married..YES IM MARRIED PEOPLE! On gaia AND in real life. Yes, to the same person on both! Also, to all those kiddies out there who have their pic on their profile...-facepalms- seriously? Really? Oi, I am so not going in to the 'how stalkers can find you just through a picture' thing. Hence the reason why I don't have a picture of my husband and I on my gaia profile, BECAUSE I'M NOT A IDIOT! -takes a deep breath- Anyway, back to about me. I am a novelist/artist. I do mostly pottery and nail design. As for my novels well I'm still working on the first one called 'secrets untold'. I'm sorta 'almost' done. ^^" ANYWAY!!!!!!!! My husband and I own what some of you may call a zoo of pets. We own 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 hamster, 1 python, 2 ferrets and the newest additions soon to come in a week are 1 Chinese water dragon, 1 iguana, and a chameleon. Oh, and 6 fire belly toads.

Art work done by Annu-chan!
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Art work done by 0987654321qertyuiop
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