Friends And Trolls!
(( These are the people I'm close to in OOC or were the first troll close to John I met so don't be sad if you're not up here! ))

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My boyfriend/bestfriend Dave!

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My paradox female self Jane!

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Sollux, I think!

(( Main account ))

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Eridan, I think!

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Nepeata, I think!


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(( I type in proper grammar and syntax usually, even when roleplaying John since most of the time it's face-to-face with the characters in which I find chat speak dumb to use. I don't mind other people using it, but I refuse. Unless it's a chat log, I'm typing properly. ))

Name: John Egbert.
Age: 13.
Gender: Male.
Nationality: American.
Title: Heir of Breath.
Zodiac sign: Aries

Dave says that I'm a nerd more than a prankster, but I think he's just trying to be endearing.
While we're on the subject of Dave ...
Well, how to explain this ...
Um. Well, I'm with Dave Strider(one cool strider).

*Cowers at the fangirls he knows are lurking about before continuing.*

I know everyone's probably thinking I've gone back on what I said before, but to tell the truth, I haven't!
I'm bisexual(*cough*stridersexual*cough*) if I'd have to call it something. And yes, I'm going to admit to it.
But, that's beside the point and my love for Dave is completely different than anything else!

*Wrings his hands nervously.*

A-Anyway, back to the subject at hand!
I usually talk to my friends on Pesterchum, and some of the trolls too!

I have the power over wind ever since I fell asleep on that weird bed table thing Vriska told me to sleep on.

*Does the windy thing!*

And I think it's super cool!
But, yeah.
I'm told I smile alot, and I'm clumsy; but I still try my best in the end!

I just hope that when this game is over, everything will be okay again.
I really would like that ...
one true ghostbuster
one cool strider