Here are a few things about me:
1. I play the guitar, piano, recorder, and voice
2. I can spend hours on the internet
3. My friends think I'm funny
4. I'm getting cramps typing this
I hope you didn't get bored.

<--- This is me!
Actually, here is a more accurate version:

It's a much, much more accurate version.
P.S. I was just kidding about the getting cramps part.
Oh. I forgot something. If you must know, my favorite color is blue. Doesn't look it, right? Well, too bad. That's the plain truth. Just because I don't SHOUT it out loud at you through my aviie doesn't mean it isn't. And really, it is my favorite. I mean my absolute favorite, favorite, favy favorite color in the whole entire world! So don't go saying it isn't. Well, you know what, I don't care if you go saying it isn't my favorite color. Anyway, the point is my favorite color is blue, blue, blue, and that's that.
Speaking of Blue: My favorite food is berries. Mostly blueberries, but I also like all the other kinds like cherries and strawberries and raspberries and blackberries...Plus, I like cheese and sushi! Yummy, yummy sushi! SUSHI! SUSHI! SUSHI! GO-GO! GO SUSHI! GO SUSHI! Ok, you get the point.
P.S. Forget the cheese. Sushi rocks. :3
Here's a joke I happen to find funny:
This guy went into a bar. He told the barman, "I bet you a free beer that I can bite my own left eyeball." The barman said, "Of course you can't. It's a deal." So the guy took out his left eyeball and bit it. Turns out it was a glass eye. He got his free beer and then he said, "I bet you another free beer I can bite my other eyeball." The barman said, "That's impossible. You can't have two glass eyes. It's a deal!" So the man takes out his false teeth and bites his left eyeball.
Hahahahahahaha! You know, that joke's so funny I think I'll put it on my signature! Excuse me? You don't find it funny? Oh, you do! Good! Wait...you don't? OK, stop trying to confuse me! You do or you don't? I'll let you think about it. You know what? I don't think I'm going to put it on my signature. It's already here. Deal with it.
Oh, and of course, how could I forget, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...<3 Harry Potter! <3 I read it and read it! I think I've read it about 4 times...I'm re-reading it for the 5th time, I think!!!! Wowies!!!!!!!! And seriously, I like REALLY, REALLY love it. I'm totally obsessed with the series! Anybody else who is obsessed with Harry Potter- mail me or send me a friend request!
P.S. For those people who read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I think R.A.B. is Regulus Black, Sirius's brother. :3
Whipped cream is so good! It's like, one of the best desserts ever! And it's just so easy to make! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! You know what, I think I'll go make some right now!!!!!
A few more things about me are: My fav disney movie is: Peter Pan!!! My fav disney character is: Tinker Bell! I absolutely love Tink (who doesn't?)!!!!!!!!! Another thing about me is I love the water. It's so fun!!! Wheeee!!!!!! Thanks for asking for some more things about me. *wink*
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