
Yo. Username is BlackFruity,

I'm mostly committed to a single Naruto RP guild on Gaia and I work in retail. I live in Australia so please excuse any time delay in messages between us. I have been RPing on Gaia since August 4th, 2005. I enjoy realism in any creative writing piece, including the feel of natural character growth and 'slow-burn' situations.

I am a salty individual. I do enjoy moments of pettiness against people who talk smack about me, and I have enjoyed watching drama unfold from a distance, so long as it doesn't negatively affect people I care about. I also have a strong work ethic, which has caused issues with people I have felt have are more trouble than help in getting any task done.

High ratings in anxiety and depression, believes SJWs are more hurtful to society than an aid. Will use preferred pronouns, unless you're a hypocrite, insincere, or a parasite, because there are people who do it for attention, and not for the betterment of their own life. Believes that 'Transtrenders' and other such attention-seeking individuals are a real thing, but may be born from a lack of education.


My Black and Blue Scrapbook

Scrapbook of randomness~


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Erin ShadeFang

Report | 11/13/2015 8:31 am

Erin ShadeFang

hello there! i was wondering if you would be interested in a 1x1 naruto romance rp? i have lots of ideas! please pm me even if your not interested so i dont endlessly hope you will reply.

thank you so much, erin

Report | 07/25/2015 8:57 pm


*le pokes* ; u; herro
Mordred Killian

Report | 11/01/2014 9:18 am

Mordred Killian

Happy birthday (:
chrissy b e a n

Report | 04/08/2014 10:04 pm

chrissy b e a n

It's okay!!! Yay! I can't wait to send you the gift I have saved. You put a return address right?
chrissy b e a n

Report | 04/08/2014 10:21 am

chrissy b e a n


Report | 02/22/2014 4:03 pm


however faaaar awaaaay
I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU heart heart heart

Report | 09/13/2013 10:25 am


Mreorw~!!!! ~Stretches out and shivers puffing up fur. Sits down and lips paw.~ Mreorw!!!

Report | 09/13/2013 4:05 am


Mreorw~! ~Snuggles against and purs.~

Report | 09/12/2013 5:46 pm


Mreorw~! ~Purrs and licks invading paws.~ =3

Report | 09/12/2013 5:36 pm


Mreorw!!! ~Attaches and licks.~ O^O