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Dark_Master_Zero's avatar

Last Login: 10/17/2023 7:29 pm

Registered: 08/21/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Maryland

Birthday: 10/03

Occupation: gamer


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My name is Justin, I'm 30, My birthday is October 3rd not January 29th the date is off. I like video games, cartoons, anime, and other stuff that makes me happy like music I can draw when I'm in the mood to. Just look at the art I drew on my profile. If you are interested in my art maybe I could draw your avi ;D fair warning I haven't drawn male avatars in a long time. Lately I've been working on improving my art by learning a new style to use in my drawings.
I use to be a high school student but those days are behind me now I graduated in the class of 09.
The kind of person I am
quiet sometimes if I don't know much about you but if I do I can be really talkative so look out.
funny I like to laugh a lot funny stuff gets me almost all the time
if there's other stuff you would to know ask me and I'll tell
for those wondering what I look like in real life this is me
the face behind Dark_Master_Zero
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FallenSammy Report | 02/05/2022 1:37 pm
Awww see that's where I give up... I don't ahve the patience to keep tweaking in drawings sweatdrop I'll just stick to the pixels for my creativity xd
FallenSammy Report | 01/24/2022 1:01 pm
To be fair I didn't miss the events I just missed some things I'd do for myself but being bridesmaid for my friend and mum was definitely more important than going to stuff just for me.

Awww still you can draw... I just don't have the patience for it... if it doesn't look right it gets to me so eh I'm just not any good. I'm always envious of those with the talent to create art!
FallenSammy Report | 01/11/2022 1:23 pm
Awww those are good goals... I've not done too bad with the weight since the pandemic hit but I can't wait to get back to my classes... between weddings and stuff last year I was always worrying about ruining peoples plans by getting it... and once everyone had been married off I've had car troubles so I need a new car before I can get anywhere sad

What sorta things do you draw?
FallenSammy Report | 01/09/2022 12:17 pm
Fingers crossed... I just miss not worrying about about getting it and passing it on to someone confused

Erm... not that I can think of... decorating the house, start growing my own veg again... and having a good work/life balance.

How about you?
FallenSammy Report | 01/01/2022 3:45 pm
Happy New Year to you too heart

Here's hoping the craziness ends this year!

It's been a great Christmas break all round really... just wish I had more time to relax lol. But I do at least get a break so I can't really complain
FallenSammy Report | 12/27/2021 2:55 pm
Merry Christmas!!!!

Thank you for my pressie!!! I love it heart

Hope you had a fab day!
FallenSammy Report | 08/01/2021 10:49 am
Awww sounds amazing! Probably a parents worst nightmare though.. so would explain why me and my brothers would never have been let loose in one xd

Awww you don't need to apologise, tangents are the best xd you never know where you're gonna end up?
FallenSammy Report | 07/31/2021 10:25 am
Awww cool.... that sounds like fun... It's like the joy of bubbles xd awww times were so much simpler then.... although I don't think I've ever actually been to Toyd R Us confused
FallenSammy Report | 07/27/2021 2:30 pm
Can't beat a bit of nostalgia!!! Makes me feel like 10 yrs younger xd
FallenSammy Report | 07/26/2021 12:16 pm
Lol I think after one too many bad experiences I stuck to my safe places xd Only so many times you stood being called a ***** stare

Loving the retro look you've got going 3nodding


3DS Friend code: 3523-3441-5538 Add me for Pokemon, Animal Crossing etc. send a pm and I'll add you back
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