
My name is Macy Michele. I am a very mature and funny person to be around. I love people, and having true friends is what matters most. If I could give back to the world in any way, it would be to find a cure for cancer. Cancer is a very bad disease that struck one of my aunts very sevearly. Thanks to God, my aunt has recovered, and is living a succesful life as a writer. I am very musical and artistic. Give me a blank sheet of paper, and there will either be a song, story, or cartoon written on both sides; filled to the brim. I love to text; it's my life! My truest friend that I could always count on is cody. He is awesome. Then there's mckayla; the awesome sims 3 addict that i can completly relate too. Lastly, there is issabella; my twin christian sister, who always knows what the right path is. God is my hero, with out him I would be nothing. Just another pebble in the road. He sees me when no one else does. He is an escape, a person who will listen when I just need to vent. I love God, and no athiest, muslim, jew, or anyone else can try to change that.
Well, that's about me.