This quest is over. I'll stay like this for a while. Thanks to all who help get me here!
Sapphire Forehead Jewel - Raye Dragonmage
400 gold - honyou_alchemist
500 gold - Linda Lee Danvers
1000 gold! - Magician of Ice
April letter 2006! - Setanic
My almost impossible quest that I hope I look like in a few YEARS! I'll need help with this one!

What I posted to VO.
VO, Just know, We are all here for you. We may be from different countries, different backgrounds, different languages; but seeing so many people respond with sympathy tells you something. This world has a chance to make it to the next stage. There are still people out there with heart. Reading all the comments from us to you hit me that you have more people inside Gaia than outside that is willing to take the time to type something. You had more than I did when my grandfather did the same thing. Live strong, he'll be watching.
The Destiny....
It's nearly time.... The twins are learning their powers and are improving physically, too. They are on opposite sides, but no matter. They will learn their destiny to save the world. They will meet in the turning point. But, when will that time
Yeah!! I'm now done with my current Avi! Now I'm going around finding other cool stuff to add to it! Donators are forever on my page. Thank you all who helped!!
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