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DJ_Whitestar's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/14


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Technical Itch : Stack 2

MeKwakz : Married to The Streets

Cyber Space feat Shanie : Life

State of Play : Poor man's Deal ( konflict Remix )

Oliver Sudden FT K9 and Theme : Freshness with extra's

Moogwai : Viola

Lamb : Gorecki


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Miss Hecate Aria Report | 12/10/2021 12:42 pm
Miss Hecate Aria
Hey there! biggrin Yep that's me! I haven't been able to go to any lately due to timezones and adulting, but it's nice to see a familiar face heart
Kuudere Sempai Report | 12/05/2020 5:47 am
Kuudere Sempai
i see but still pretty spot on! i could recognize Sano so easily XD

im doing okay, kinda preserving some energy to finish some Christmas presents but waiting to get paid~

nice, snow! we had some before December but vanished after two days.
Kuudere Sempai Report | 12/04/2020 10:22 am
Kuudere Sempai
oh nice Sano cosplay!
lpecac Report | 03/22/2020 9:18 pm
I'm glad to hear back from you. Yes my kitties have great homes, I'm satisfied and I do miss them but I know they're well loved and well taken care of.

Spring time there sounds great! I wish it rained more often, living in West Texas can get really dry, and hot. I welcome rain whenever we can get it. Sounds great the way you've described your finds and adventures, I wish I were able to do things like this but living in the city I do is very dangerous, especially in these times, There are times I do wish I can move, get out of a city and into something friendlier but I know where I stand, and the way things are with my living situations, job, family and friends, it would be a very impractical thing to do, sadly. I can dream though, right? xp

I try to get online when I can, as much as I can, things for me have slowed down especially with the whole Coronavirus thing. My hours have been cut very short and I fear my new job and position is going to be put on hold for quite some time. I'm worried for my job, I can't afford to lose it, I was a nurse and recently picked up something new, and I feel it was a very bad time to switch positions as nurses are heavily needed right now, but who can foresee this, huh?. Maybe, depending on how things go with my job, they can let me back into my old position, for the time being, I'm hope. Either way, for now I have more time starting tomorrow. I'll take advantage of this time off and get stuff I've been needing to attend to these past several months, like cleaning out my garage, working on my yard, it needs a good cleaning, and getting the fireplace re-tiled like I've been meaning to do for a while now. I'll jump on gaia as well, check on things, mp, etc. Maybe even make it to Dev this time. biggrin

Anyway, enough ranting from me for now. Let me know how you've been and do take care of yourself.
lpecac Report | 02/25/2020 1:07 pm
I've just noticed my typos, I got a new keyboard so my banana fingers are still trying to get used to the placement lol
lpecac Report | 02/25/2020 1:05 pm
It went very well, I had a slight tear in my shoulder they needed to patch up. it's still a tad sore and stiff but 97% of the pain is definitely gone. I have 12 cats, they're all doing very well, my little cousin recently got a place of his own, he has his favorites (cats) and asked me that he would take two of the females so I'm a little sad, yet happy for them. They actually really love my cousin when he comes for a visit. Then my sister wants to of the gingers so that will leave me with 8 but two are up for adoption. It's been vry hard on me when I took on fostering these kitties, because I grew to really love them, but I knew those days would come eventually. sad Anyway, enough rambling about myself and my little cat family, how are things with you??
lpecac Report | 02/24/2020 2:14 pm
Hey, yeah it's been quite a while since I've been online. Happy New Years to you too and Merry Christmas! I hope all is well with you and I hope you had an awesome time. I try to check in every now and again, life has me side tracked, you know. Anyway, Hope we get to playing soon! Have great one!
lpecac Report | 11/02/2019 9:26 pm
Oh wow! that sounds like a lot of fun, wish I can hang with you more often o_o I've just felt like I have been missing out these days do to constant work, when I'm not at work, I'm visiting with my new nephew. I have to get back to speed on things. When are you normally on? haven't gotten a chance to really check things out, I'll get right on that!
lpecac Report | 10/26/2019 4:39 pm
I've been doing well, haven't been on Gaia much these days but I'm online now, Sorry about missing Dev meat. How did it go?
lpecac Report | 06/05/2019 7:34 pm
I think I arrived too late, when I got there, a few remained but they were all huge, so I wandered around a bit before I logged off. I'll try and arrive early this Friday. xd I bet everyone had fun!




= ^ - ^ =

~*~*~ =^O^= ~*~*~ " Everybody in the house say Hoeeeee ! ! "

Heya Ladies and Gentlemen introducing myself . Whitestar is the name and being a crippled cabbit DJ is mah game.

Comin atcha live with two new CD's . Only known by me's and a few buddies. Watch this space for some cheese mixed to please.

I am seriously digging your Down hill biking covered in cakes of mud , World rally championship , messin abaat in boats like a rabid ratty. It drives me wild in my wheel chair with my hands in the air like , like I just dont care.

Lets all go Macadamia fruit and nuts !

= ^ - ^ =

Euphoria , 90'sDance , Drum N Bass , Chill Room and Jungle is mah game.

A big shout goes out to my Counterparts .


And me brothers , two wheels Fire fly and Cunard me only bipedal sibling.

And to all my fans out there.

This night and the first drink is on me , so get ready to party.

Because DJ Whitestars in the building unlike the king.

Mmm nom nom nom Jaffa Cake ! !