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Canadia Bacon

Canadia Bacon's avatar

Birthday: 01/01


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Hello there.
My name is Mike, however you can call me Bacon, Spugz, really anything. My former name on this wonderful website was Spugzorz, and I have been around since 2007. I am the original, and only Spugzorz. I usually reside in the Video Game Discussion, Music forums, or Writing forums.

Now a few things about me:
I am a musician. I write songs, and play a multitude of instruments ranging from trombone, to drums. Guitar to piano. Bass to vocals. My main interest in music is usually 70s, and 80s rock and roll, however, I can listen to about anything. My second favourite type of music is probably show tunes. Broadway is a huge part of my life.

I aspire to be a comic book writer and a teacher one day. I am an avid reader, and write almost everyday. I have published two books, three poems, and am currently working on my first comic book.

I do enjoy movies, and TV, however, I enjoy plays more. My favourite TV shows are Glee, (Yeah, I'm a straight guy and I like Glee, bite me), Doctor Who, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. For movies, I enjoy basically anything with action in it, however like my music taste, I will watch just about anything. My favourite movies are Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, basically any other superhero movie and mostly any comedy. As far as plays go, Les Miserables, Guys and Dolls and anything Shakespeare tend to be my favourites. I have seen four Broadway productions, and they were Rock of Ages, Lion King, Wicked and Spider-Man. I enjoyed all of them, and if you are wondering about either of them, feel free to ask me about them!

I am a big theatre geek, and I have been in three musicals and four plays.

Finally, video games. I mainly play on the Xbox 360, and my Gamertag is Side of Awesome. I mainly play shooters like Halo and Call of Duty, but I also play a few fighters like Injustice and Marvel Vs Capcom.

I am known to be a very mature person for my age, and I don't judge anybody, not even over the internet right away. If you feel like you may have a problem, and want to discuss it with me, I will do my best to help you out. If you don't want to, hey, I don't blame you, I am just some random kid in Canada, right?

Thanks for reading this, and I hope we can become close!


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Isidora Vixari Report | 12/07/2011 10:01 am
Isidora Vixari
> w> JTF2 person. I love you.


> w> Should join my JTF2 guild c: Need to update it though...
Jailbait Tokoro Report | 12/19/2010 1:36 pm
Jailbait Tokoro
you're gay heart


[b:c483c5a1fc]"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." -H. P. Lovecraft[/color:c483c5a1fc][/b:c483c5a1fc][/size:c483c5a1fc][/align:c483c5a1fc]


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