
Wtf are you even doing on this page? How did you find me? Who sent you?
*sigh* Oh well. You're here, so I guess you have a need to know something about me.

First and foremost, I think you should know that if your grammar sucks, please don't even talk to me. Just turn around and walk right out of my profile right now.

With that said, read 'em and weep.

I adore reading and watching manga and anime~ My passion for them has relaxed a little over the past year, but I'm still a big fan. <3
I spend a good portion of my time role playing. I haven't been in a group thread in over a year, but I love to do them in PM's. *nods*
I spend about 70% of my day drawing, whether I'm at work or home on my computer. I've been drawing for 12 years now (more serious now than ever). Don't ask me for free art. I might just kill you.
When it comes to music, I love just about anything. The only kind of music I truly despise is rap though....Why? I don't know. It just doesn't float my boat.
I looove movies, not picky about genre, though I seem to be in a horror mood lately so throw some of that goodness my way. My other obsession has been over Avatar (the one with the Na'vi, not the bald kid.) If you don't like Avatar, get out. I don't even wanna look at your face right now. Maybe later. We'll have coffee.
I'm a gamer girl. Big time. I've been playing since I could hold a controller, even if I was a little squat that didn't know how to play and I was just mashing buttons. I spend a lot of time on my PS3 these days, but I like to go back to my other systems because those games are just as good~
I'm afraid to say I'm another one of those crazy yaoi fangirls. At least I can say I understand the mechanics of it, unlike most of the little fangirls that think you just stick it in and ride 'em to town. I lawl at people who think that's how it works. :'D
I'm an Astrology junky~ Scorpio/Dragon here. <3 Tell me yours?

I'll make my hates very simple and easy to read. Maybe then you'll actually read them. I hate assholes, people that waste my time, noobs, bad grammar, cry-baby whores, and trolls. Did I leave anything out?

Unless I update this info again, that's pretty much it.
If you need to know more you can always ask me or something. *shrugs* Later days.




Bite me.