Viewing DustyOleDolly's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Oh, and while you're here....

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(I love small talk.)
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(I'd like to be your friend.)
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(I'm always in the "Art Discussion" forum.)
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(Follow me - I tend to follow back.)
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(Don't forget to leave a comment, darlings.)
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(It can always use more members.)

Thank you. <3
"Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be." - Jeremy Schwartz


Greetings, how are you? I'm a 17 year old American gal who loves~

writing sad songs,

watching Disney shows,

trying to speak Spanish & ASL,

blogging about dolls,

eating tofu,

having nightmares,

building card houses,

helping others,

writing in blue ink,

drawing some free avi art,

finding new quotes,

and last but not least, blasting "Crush" by *David Archuleta*. ❤

text messaging,