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Rebel the DESTROYA

Rebel the DESTROYA's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/19

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twinkjessus on 12/07/2022
hillary84 on 01/16/2022
xX Roses At Midnight Xx on 09/01/2019



About the rebel

Name: Kyra
Nickname(s): KP, Kip
Age: 18
D.O.B: 01/19
Gender: Female
Race: Human (debatable)
Nationality: American
Likes: Food, SciFi, Fantasy, Superheroes/villains (not picky on DC or Marvel or whatever), Role Playing, making everything a sexual innuendo, and playing hide-n-seek in my local Ikea.
Dislikes: Any kind of social injustice (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.), romance movies/books, awful movie adaptations of books/TV shows, people who drive too slow in the left lane (or right if you're British), and just a**holes in general.

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By NuSith