Viewing Kidney Box's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello, I am Kidney Box. So anywho, let us get down to business.

I'm not serious about Gaia, but it's something to do. I enjoy long walks on the beach and hugs. Give me either one, and I'll love you forever. In the pants. I like kicking small children down stairs.

My name is Bo. Short, oddly enough, for Box. But Bo is a nicer name to type, instead of having to reach for that damn X every time. Right, right.

I've got an amazing boyfriend, and we've been dating for three months or so smile .

This is a list of all the people who've given me their organs <3

Grand Chimera - Lungs
Omegaduse - Kidney
XxX_-Hiuknowme-_XxX - Kidneys
Of June - Gave me her soul after I gave her a Tenth Gen. Masquerade :3
Arashi Yanagawa - Squeedlyspooch (I think) and Pancreas <3

User Image
Total Value: 1,830,522 Gold
After Exclusions: 957,472 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Gloves
Dead Parade
Purple Spacey Body Suit Leggings
Charred Tundra Boots
Dead Parade
Demonic Anklets
Black Ops Gear
String Ensemble
Nice Style For Work
Fluorite Borealis
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Scarlet Mist

User Image
Total Value: 9,029,143 Gold
After Exclusions: 8,890,208 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Scarlet Mist
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Yang Tech
Bellissimo Pianoforte
Monochrome Keido
Zephyr Tasset

This is my avatar is I ever become rich. >_<' But for now, it's merely something pretty that I'm putting on my profile. Le sigh~

Art for me! : D Make me some arts? <3

Of June and I, just chillin' and having some tea.
England drew this fer me <3

My faces:

User Image

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Viewing 12 of 29 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/30/2011 8:11 pm


Commenting... because I can. Cool new avatar smile .

Report | 03/29/2011 12:17 pm


LOTS OF LOVE. Like my new Avi? ...Like my new irl look? I hope so... D: See you soon

Report | 03/26/2011 2:35 pm


I love you too!

P.s. I'm addicted

Report | 03/26/2011 12:22 am


Your avatar is intimidating and sexy
Suicidal Paper

Report | 03/01/2011 7:00 pm

Suicidal Paper

What's that? Some type of show or movie?
Suicidal Paper

Report | 03/01/2011 6:47 pm

Suicidal Paper

Awww, why don't you go rest?
I'm alright, just a bit busy with somethings.
Suicidal Paper

Report | 03/01/2011 6:36 pm

Suicidal Paper

Hehh, how are you tonight?
Suicidal Paper

Report | 03/01/2011 6:29 pm

Suicidal Paper

Awww, thanks.
Suicidal Paper

Report | 03/01/2011 6:22 pm

Suicidal Paper

Nice username

Report | 11/25/2010 11:12 am




I gave that b***h a kidney.
User Image
Bitches love kidneys.