I deleted my profile text a few month ago,
and I've been to lazy to actually well, redo it.
I want to give my friends Lycrios, Blackwavemage, and Duck much love <3
For the people that are viewing this;
I'm Renee-Emma, I'm 21(soon to be 22), been on gaia for 5 years and from the Netherlands.
I'm a generally nice person, if I'm feeling bored i donate to random people, or i give Lycrios a lot of gifts haha.
I'm single, not that that's interesting much.
If you want to talk to me, you can find me by pm-ing me.
I might wander around in town, or the chatterbox, whatever i feel like really.
If you want to see pictures, and find out a little bit more about me;
I'm on there almost every single day.
I'm a gamer,surprise surprise, at the moment addicted to Oblivion, even bought a new keyboard, a new mouse, new video card and a new memory card for it haha.
Whenever I'm not around or on-line, I'm probably playing that.
Or Sacred 2 , or Neverwinter nights!
I can't wait for diablo 3, fable 3 and The Witcher 2!!
One last thing..
Join Vampirefreaks! ^^ And let me know if you did *nods*
Jep, that's me ^^
About me further : My favorite bands are Aucifer, Oomph, Kamelot, L'ame Immortelle and the Crüxshadows.
Favorite genre is powermetal, but I also listen to J-rock a lot (Aucifer).
I'm almost in my third year of being a photography student. If I'm lucky enough, I might go for an intern-ship in England.
Also, I'm a huge Anime and Manga fan, I already have seen a lot , but if you have any suggestions, you're free to comment me.
I do not respond nicely to beggars, but I do occasionally donate if I like you.
I love comments, so feel free to talk to me!
Member since: 11/13/2005
That means, I'm an oldie. Love me heart
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