About me
Hello, Welcome to my blog, It is a Great Pleasure to meet you! I consider this a Roleplay/Personal account (Ps. I like to take my eyes on only one account).
I have a passion for culinary and artisic activities. And is considering on Cosplaying and making accessories. I am mostly cosplaying and roleplaying on GaiaOnline. Right now I am currently taking a break from homestuck and going more towards Touhou. Very Thrilled to draw chibi art on my tablet but Right now I'm still practicing. Role playing is one of my important specialties, Not only role Play offline (Anime or comic conventions) But also online as well. In Life I'm very much Interested in, Homestuck, Touhou, Zodiac, gardening, Café, Art, Knitting, Cooking, Cosplaying.
I have joined GaiaOnline since the year of 2010.