Its Jen Cause I Say So

Its Jen Cause I Say So's avatar

Last Login: 07/12/2011 2:59 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/04


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About Me.?-
Name; Jennyfer.(: **Jena-fur
NickNames; C*nt, Jen, Jena, Jay, Charleigh, Fehr, Juhniipur, etc.
HairColor; It changes, usually brown.
EyeColor; O'course brown. >.>
Height; 5'9 T.T
Piercings; Nose, mouth, &ears.
Tattoos; Krysten's name on my a**! Nah jk, none. (Yet!)
Gender; Well uh, I have boobs so...(;
RelationshipStatus; Taken.♥
»»ADHD. Bi-Polar. Stutter. Near-Sighted. Anorexic.

You eat, you're fat.
You don't eat, your a freak.
You drink, you're alcoholic.
You don't drink, you're a p***y.
You read, you're a nerd.
You don't read, you're stupid.
You tell a secret, you're an attention seeker.
You don't tell a secret, you're still an attention seeker.
You let someone in, you're easy.
You don't let someone in, you're too uptight.
You smoke, you think you're cool.
You don't smoke, your a loser.
You've had sex, you're a slut.
You haven't had sex, you're a frigid little b*tch.
You wear make up, you're a slag.
You don't wear make up, you're ugly.
There's no pleasing anyone. Ever.

For Bethany &Krysten; I love you!♥(;

Best Fraans!(: