
Hi Gaia, my name is Chris and I'm 15. Some hobbies of mine are drawing, watching anime, and writing. I'm an avid anime and manga fan, and that's how I began to get into drawing. I've been drawing since I was 7, mostly because of watching Dragonball Z. I also love playing videogames, most prominently Bioshock. And every now and then, I design RPG's to pass the time. Hope you enjoy my profile and Thanks for reading :3


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Rants xD

Random Rants 0___0



Under the raindrops is when I fell truly at peace. Through my eyes, everything is the perfect shade of voilet. Its calming hues wash over my eyes like the soft tidal waves of a lonely beach. Then, through the light drizzle, I see your silhouette, all the time thinking that, under the voilet raindrops will be our perfect moment. <3

User Image I <3 Pandas~