Hello, and Welcome to my humble profile.
My name is Razi. Nice to meet you all.
I come from a very far away land tucked in a dark corner of the Universe called New Zealand.~
In real life, I am a Lady of lots of trades and Master of none. These include art, design, videogames, anime/manga, writing stories and watching clouds... cos you know that's a thing, right?
Oh, and did I mention I like the colour Purple?
I'm a little shy when it comes to meeting people, but I promise-- I won't bite! 4laugh
Profile Art & Design by me.
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Razi's Artlog and Miscellaneous
Here you can view some of the random artwork I've posted, e.g. avvie arts or OC's... read through my ramblings on about nothing, or gaze at my pictures of shiny stuff. If I'm excruciatingly bored, perhaps you'll find quiz results as well.
xX-Razi's Current Siggy-Xx
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning."
- Albert Einstein
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