
Migliaccio's avatar

Birthday: 11/13


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Key Of The Twilight

Come with me in the twilight
Of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now fly me there

Fanatics find their heaven
In never ending storming wind
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth

Consolations, be there
In my dreamland to come
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there

I believe in fantasies invisible to me
In the land of misery I’m searching for the sign
To the door of mystery and dignity
I’m wandering down and searching down the secret sun

Come with me in the twilight
Of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there to the land of twilight

Santa's Last Stop

When Santa comes
I'll be prepared
When Santa comes
I hope he's scared
The children have been
Good all year
But I've been naughty
Let's make that clear
The reindeer will be
The first to go
Though poor old Santa
Won't even know
He won't put coal
In my stocking tonight
The rat trap will snap
Much to my hearts delight
Then he'll dash up the chimney
Where I'll settle the score
The bricks are rigged
With a pound of C4
Designed to explode
When he reaches the top
This is your last stop.

Schwärzesten Rose

Rose so schwarz, tief und dunkel, Stengel Hunter Green. So viele Menschen übersehen Sie, missverstehen, was du meinst. Sie müssen keine Farbe, dunkelsten Schönheit, aber viele der Tiefe Ihrer Farbton. Sie haben keine Ahnung, Sie wie viel Bewunderung wissen nie ich für Sie habe.

Sie sah mich an mit viel Ekel, als ich versuchte, Ihre Schönheit. Das ist es, meine Liebe, ich glaube, dass es meine Pflicht ist. Sie ist für immer verschwunden. Warum, wer weiß? Ich bin links hier ganz allein. Schwärzesten stieg, ist es Sie und mich. Wir sind hier Links zu Eintopf und Stöhnen.


Capannone di sangue e di carneficina perversamente progettato, mentre guardo nel buio per l'orientamento.

Con malizia e lussuria senza soluzione di continuità intrecciate, che per uccidere il prossimo e quando ad avanzare?

Il calore del sangue lenisce il mio bisogno, getta via le facce Ride.

Le urla offuschi come invocare le voci, E abbraccia la carne intrisa di sangue.

Sanguinamento ombra urla il coltello, mai lasciare me, per sempre alloggerai.

Nella morte hai dato me una vita migliore, un trofeo accarezzato per voi di ritrarre.

Nato a morire, hai sigillato il tuo destino e per questo che io ti do il peccato.

Tua tomba della lussuria dovranno attendere per sempre, per la tua anima è il mio per l'eternità.

Società ha cucito nostri occhi chiusi e concepito i semi del tradimento dai miei occhi tagliare i punti di sutura, E avvalendosi di morte, io prevarrà.

Final lullaby

I awoke from a pleasant dream
Lost and adrift in some confusion
Struggling to clear my troubled mind
With thoughts occluded by an illusion

Paralyzed I stared at the ceiling above
But seeing it not in the inky darkness
Heard it approach and felt a presence
Specter huge and fearful in its starkness

Coals for eyes as it stood at my bed
Wrapped in a shroud of blackest midnight
Massive palms were then cradling my head
Whispering my name with eager delight

Giving me thoughts that I never wanted
Of eternal life and terrible things
A grim lullaby for my mortal soul
Ancient collector of all broken things

Breathe from the grave caressing my cheek
And telling me next, what I must do
He left me then with only my thoughts
Leather wings flapping as off he flew

To my deathbed he never returned
He was not my coffin bearer
I never lived life, believing those lies
My master was love, not terror


As if no one can hear you
Leave a prison
Of seclusion
Break the bloodstained tether
Voices were heard
Vowing to return

Memories of a girl
Who was tied up
Begs for suffering to end
Bleeding in a pool of betrayal
'Feel my pain!' she screams
This was her final hour

Colorless tales
Of a joyless life
A small child says
'Finally I have severed all my attachments'
Not much was said
Many tears were shed
Perpetual spirits
Say their final lullabies

Disowning me with rage
In your bloodshot eyes
Cry me a sea of tears
Get a boat and row far away from here

Anger is better than being seen as a fool
Especially when
The world is against you
Hear those voices?
The want you to stop

Colorless tales
of a joyless life
A small child says
'Finally I have severed all my attachments'

Until you don't awake
Dear are you leaving me again?
I thought we were meant to be forever
Not until you were finished

Colorless tales
Of a joyless life
A small child says
'Finally I have severed all my attachments'
No not much was said
Many years were shed
Perpetual Spirits
Say their final lullabies

Welcome to my world
Trigger Me Elmo
II Onxy II