What's there to say really:
I love Supernatural, I love to draw, I know a bunch of random information. xD
Misha Collins is my idol.
I hate reality shows and the Twilight Saga.
I don't watch that much TV, but I do love to read and listen to music.
My Chemical Romance has dominated my affections for as long as I can remember. XD Next in line is Fall Out boy, Adam Lambert, etc... and finally, Panic! At the Disco (Only because they can't sing and their last album sucked! D:<)
I love Operas and Musicals, My fave of both is Phantom of the Opera. I can recite that beautiful opera by heart it's so awesome.
My favorite thing to do is procrastinate, I'm quite good at it. One might say I'm the master. Though I'm going to try and kick that habit, College just isn't the place to be a master of procrastinating. XD
I'm in love with the weather. Probably why I chose my major, and I love to role play. Mainly self-made characters, but when the time comes I can do series characters.
Oh, I almost forgot, I share a birthday with Misha Collins. Isn't that awesome?
Well, at least I think so. XD
I'm a hardcore gamer, I just love to get into some good ol' videogames. I've played Kingdom Hearts so many times I beat Sephiroth with my feet once. razz
Anyway, I digress, message me, add me do what you like, I don't care.
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So I just went with the next best thing xD