Ronin Kalvar

Ronin Kalvar's avatar

Last Login: 08/08/2017 3:08 pm

Registered: 02/14/2004

Gender: Male

Location: Nomad

Occupation: Druid of Azera


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My name is Ookami. I have a love of RPing* and Martial arts.
This stems from my greatest teacher in all the world... who is it you ask? Games, Books and of course the every popular TV! but more or less it was that very first japanese movie that I ever had.
Ninja Enforcer! but the kicker is in the fact that this movie and the case for the movie have nothing incommon except the title. the movies title and the title on the case are in fact the same. but the back of the case has nothing to do with the movie nor does the front cover picture, the guy there, dipicted useing a bamboo rod and kneeling is not in the movie. but enough of that, the fact that these men and women in the movie could move so fast and fluidly made me want to learn more about martial arts, cept I thought when i was younger watching this movie (7) that martial arts made you talk weird. (Yes it was one of those bad voice over movies, and yes I know you think I'm an idiot. but in my defence I WAS 7!) But that was the begining. My grandfather at that time decided for what ever reason to teach me a Code of Honor. I have retained his lessons ever since. Anime... the best thing for me to discover yet! I had a small stage in life where I was to lazy to even move for food, because I was to busy watching Anime, Manga, and I will admit some Hentai...(I said SOME! not alot.. SOME!) It got to the point where I was starving to death, so I now watch in moderation. (When I'm not working or sleeping... and yes I eat...while I watch anime...) [[Yes I do relise I am making a novel but if you don't like it tough... you can go read something else.]] I RP as Ookami Sicarius. Warrior, Assassin, Theif.... Umm I guess that fits as two things... Ninja, or Ronin, and since I never really have a master I guess Ronin fits perfectly. I play kinda like I am, He is silent and brooding at times, but deep inside he still has some emotion. (Oh and for those who have RP'd with me... yes I like my head being petted. I know, your thinking what the hell is wrong with this guy... to answer that. I have no clue.) I will have a seperate Text Box for just my RPC* so anyone can read it without going through all this writing. I have a strange wonder of anything history, mostly weapons and armor designs, but history in general. and I have a wanting to know just about anything. if for some reason i find myself wanting to know something I will think about why until I figure it out or find out. But enough of that... I have had a couple PMs* asking.... what are you like? What do you look like? and are you Bi? the last I refuse to answer, and the one who asked that (You know who) STOP asking stupid questions. get over it, its a stupid idea. but back to what I was saying... I am about 6'1 with a slight build. (This means no fat just muscle and bone.. Yes I have skin....) Im not hot... Im not cute. I think I'm ugly but some people won't let me say that without freaking on me so I will go with "Ok looking" (That better? or do I get another lecture?) I have dark hair, almost black and brown eyes (They go almost emerald green when I am happy... don't ask me why I have no clue) I have brown eyes almost all the time. I may be sad most of the time but I'm not EMO. I am not "Ball my eyes out" sad either, more i am content with what I have been dealt with sad.

Favorite music.... I have only been asked this once surprisingly. Boom Boom Satellites. thats my Favorite all time Band.
Well i can't think of anything more to write for now. if you want any answers just PM me and i will update my Profile.


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Kenatro Report | 10/13/2014 9:38 am
Hello! Great to have you back though my memory is still faulty about back in those days... it would be nice if you stayed.
Yori-senpai Report | 03/15/2013 9:17 pm
I'm alright for now. If you need to get a hold of me. I'll PM my number so you can text me or leave my Skype name so you can msg me.
l o n a r a - c h a n l Report | 06/12/2008 5:27 pm
The Jade Tonberry Report | 03/11/2008 8:48 am
regle rawr!
TigressoftheNight Report | 02/16/2008 10:33 pm
Hope you like the gift ^-^
TigressoftheNight Report | 02/12/2008 12:42 pm
Hello. I wanted to say hi. Miss you. Hope to see you soon.
theCHOCOLATEparade Report | 12/22/2007 6:33 pm
hey...just replying to your comment. sorry i wasn't on earlier today, had to do Christmas-related things.
FallenXxXDarkness Report | 12/05/2007 1:58 pm
Thank you so much for your purchase, I appreciate it greatly!!! User Image
Fatalistic Euphoria Report | 12/05/2007 1:37 pm
Thanks for purchasing from my shop!

Hope U Like It! Have fun! ~Sakura1654
vX Candy Xv Report | 08/10/2007 5:55 pm
Thanks for purchasing from my shop! If your gonna open the trunk, tell me what you get! User Image But if you resale it, then just let it be! Thnx!





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Ronin Kalvar
Ronin Kalvar
l o n a r a - c h a n l

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