Viewing snailb's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


snailb's avatar

Last Login: 05/30/2024 2:48 pm

Registered: 12/24/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Royal Oak, Michigan

Birthday: 12/05/1992

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Hello there! My name is Jamie, and I am a 24 year old girl from Michigan. I don't post often, but I am here. Most likely shopping and changing my avi more than anything haha. emotion_bigheart
I'm a real nice person and I appreciate kindness~
I love cats and bears! Dogs are great too. Animals in general!
I also love relaxing music, my favorite being smooth jazz. If you have any recommendations, feel free to send me a PM with a song or artist you think I'd like~ I enjoy discovering new music.
Not sure what else to squeeze in here, but if there's anything else I think of along the way, you'll find it here c:

Take care!


I am currently overhauling my profile, so please have patience~
Thank you! heart

Oh dear, I completely forgot I was redoing my profile. I'll forget about that for now haha


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Things that pop to mind, they go here.


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Pharaoh Misa Report | 03/21/2020 8:23 am

      Hello. I have an open trade for you for 200bil which I'm assuming is from art (based off the title of the trade). Did I receive a piece from you and forget to pay you?User Image
philopannox Report | 02/25/2020 12:24 pm
no problem! love your art.
Princess Dragonlady Report | 02/21/2020 6:46 am
thank u 4 buying at my store
Lemmm Report | 02/21/2020 4:52 am
Thanks for the purchase! heart heart
Acecreamyyy Report | 09/12/2019 5:41 am
ur avi is spot on qt heart
Starlit Ambiance Report | 09/07/2019 8:26 pm
You’re welcome!
Starlit Ambiance Report | 08/31/2019 10:42 am
Your avi is so cute emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart
Starlit Ambiance Report | 08/31/2019 10:41 am
iittybitty Report | 01/26/2019 10:33 am
thank you for the purchase in my store!
much appreciated heart
Final Attire Report | 09/02/2018 10:42 am


Behold! My adorable face~
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Do you have any unfinished sketches or art you'd like to be lined and finished? Come by my art shop, I'll fix you up!~

gaia_star If I don't have any style or color added to my posts, then I am using mobile~ gaia_moon


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