Viewing Okimasa Seka's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online

I'm Allison Christine Taylor. I've been walking this Earth for about 14 years now. My birthday is January 3rd, which makes me a Capricorn.

I have multiple personalities.
One second I can be super ******** random & other times I can be super ******** calm and normal.
You never know (:
I've heard I'm a blast when I'm hyper though.
At times I can be self concious, but other times I think I'm the hot-s**t.

My favorite color is yellow & I loooooooove sushi. I could be super ******** full and still eat the s**t out of that beautiful creation.

I'm taking by Andrew Ramirez. He's my boo <3 C:

Me Forealz Guiz; <3

-T a k e n S k y f a l l-

Those 2 pictures of red heads you see, are Allison (: Isn't she gorgeous? C: