Hello! Sid Hollow here, Just letting you know that
www.penplustea.blogspot.com is now open!, please check it out, grab a beer and leave a comment! Thanks so much for visiting!
And if your on Deviantart, look me up! www.penplustea.deviantart.com
I'm a 2nd year animation student from the UK who has always loved anime and manga. My main interests are character designing, story writing and concept art, all of it is fun really
smile Please add me as a friend if you have any interest in art or animation whatsoever! Thankyou!
Here's a preview of the kind of work I do,
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Maybe you could do a angled shot showing his front, at a high view and him looking up at you, his hands crossed behind his head?
ill give you the 10k + a tip biggrin
Do you have an artshop or something?
I'd love to buy some of your art.
How much are you charging?