Hey there! Since I saw that someone is actually checking my profile I taught that I should put something here, so I'll put a little description of myself.I'm really bad with any kind of human interaction to speak the truth, but I'm making my best to do it. I'm the very calm (if I don't have and excess of sugar in my system...), silent, mature type of girl (or so they said) I'm a huge fan of anime and yaoi. I like video games very much, and I'm in love with my computer, I spend half of my time sitting here in front of it, but I don't spend all that much time on Gaia anymore...
I have a sister on gaia: Kalulu2177, and a daughter kmadkins2820!!
That's all for now I think, see ya around!!
Loved Gaians:
[machina] Ok she is officially the nicest Gaian EVER
Inhalation of Zombie

Total Value: 412,626 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish 3rd Gen.
Picolitrosso's Urn
Picolitrosso's Urn
The quest of one of my friends
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