Viewing Claypso's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I'm an 18yearold parttime artist, parttime highschoolsenior, fulltime slacker.
I'm blunt and inappropriate in most social situations. I'm homebody with the need to travel.

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I love zombies, weed, good sex, paint, tattoos and candy.
I'm terrible at math and love reading. I'm shy but love conversations with new people.
I love new perspectives and finding out I'm wrong about things.


Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

Mik Laid

Report | 04/23/2012 8:27 pm

Mik Laid

I love you. <3

Report | 04/14/2012 2:49 pm


thank u for buying


"There are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me,
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who feels bizarre&&flawed in the same ways I do." Frida Kahlo