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Birthday: 04/08


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My name is Madeline. I'm 13, and I'm straight. I'm really nice and I don't get mad or even insulted very easily. I can be shy sometimes, but only if you seem weird(: a lot of my friends say that I'm funny, but I guess thats up to you to decide! I will do anything in my power for one of my friends, whether it be getting him/her something off of their wish list, or anything else, I can't really explain them all. The only thing that is bad about this characteristic is that people will sometimes abuse their power over me, and basically treat me like dirt. So if you're one of those people I suggest you leave this page, please. biggrin I came onto Gaia thinking I could probably make a few more friends (I don't care about age, you could be 13) and maybe learn how to do something new. I would like to learn how to draw anime, even though I'm not much into it. I'm not a BIG anime person, just big enough to want to learn how to draw it. So if you're good at drawing, then hit me up on Skype! I'm also not emo, goth, or any of those types. Just plain, fun to hang around with, and stuff like that. Might I also mention that even though I'm straight I have no problem with being FRIENDS with anyone who is lesbian, bi, gay, etc. So obviously, no issues there. But, I hope you have fun hanging out with me, and even if you never see me, you are very welcome to PM me or anything you want. Send me a friend request! See ya! dramallama


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Psychedelic Daydreamer Report | 03/21/2012 5:48 pm
Psychedelic Daydreamer
I agree haha...anytime I am online is fine (: ill make sure to check if you are online whenever I get on and then message you biggrin

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