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Humans wish to have everything in the world, yet we are always blind to see that what we truly want more than anything is what we lost a long time ago.


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Layde S on 11/19/2022
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Seraphim_Cherubim's avatar

Last Login: 08/13/2023 9:22 pm

Registered: 03/08/2006

Gender: Male


View All Comments

Layde S Report | 05/26/2018 11:41 pm
ur flattering me too much. you can send me the link to your house like in towns or the address of your home i think it is under share function. here is mine:
Layde S Report | 05/26/2018 11:40 pm
ur flattering me too much. you can send me the link to your house like in towns or the address of your home i think it is under share function. here is mine:
Layde S Report | 05/19/2018 10:16 pm
lol i really wanted to see yours :p i love the housing arena i get inspired by that a lot :p i love looking at other peoples houses :p heart
Lamecgod Report | 05/17/2018 7:44 pm
free items?
FirstResort Report | 09/20/2009 4:57 am
your guy looks like the opposite of mine. that's cool!!!
Godbudda Report | 03/18/2008 1:18 pm
Man you need to get on more often!!
Zame Ragues Report | 07/13/2007 7:32 am
damn these are all so old
cinnaroo in a blender Report | 02/08/2007 10:22 pm
dude nobody's commented you for a while so WOOOOO YOU'VE BEEN COMMENTED!! biggrin oh and i finally beat twilight princess today.. it made me happy (you other peoples give me a break. i haven't had it for that long..)
cinnaroo in a blender Report | 12/29/2006 11:23 pm
he had a flower before!! i was kinda wondering about that too sweatdrop
Zame Ragues Report | 12/06/2006 9:05 pm
what flower he doesnt have a flower


Seraphim's Rebirth

I have been gone for a long time, longer than I would have wished. Upon my return I had found riches beyond my comprehension as well as conveniences not usually gifted to one such as myself. Sadly with all the good there is always something bad to balance the cosmic scale; I lost contact with many dear friends that I had cherished dearly and their absence is like a void in my heart. I sent them my call, should they ever return by some unforeseen twist of fate, but I feel as if my words are just echoing in the endless abyss that is the life we live. I have yet to forget my dear friends and I am far from ever giving up meeting them once more, or at the very least just to get in touch with them. I have found myself receiving many treasures and gifts that I always longed for, and am continuing to find new ones as well as ones I never knew I was looking for, but it is all a hollow joy as I have none of my true treasures to share them with, my family.

I will always remember the times we shared, my brothers.