
silvermoonrabbit_91's avatar

Birthday: 05/13


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Hello fellow gaians
Just a few things I love...sailor moon ( this includes the 90s anime I grew up with the manga I absolutely love heart and sailor moon crystal *which because of my obsession with the manga I find I love more than the 90s*)
I hope other fellow fans of sailor moon don't judge me on this I still love the nostalgia of the 90s sailor moon but hey we all have Our preferences and opinions

Also i love mlp:fim , I am a proud pegasister

Please feel free to friend request me friends have things in common but its the differences that make us good friends if we were all the same it be a world of crazy people (assuming they would all be like me or really boring if we weren't ourselves

Let's all get along and hopefully I'll make plenty new friends


My sis 💕