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Blackwarlock969's avatar

Birthday: 11/17


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I am the kind of person that is rejected by the society really young, so i had
many years to think and observe life and people and know how is "The World"
behind the curtains of this freaking-scary mechanism called "world"...

Im the kind of person that only have some confidence and treat with people
that show honesty, kindness an a good heart.

I believe in destiny, and yes, in god, but i dont like Catolicysm, or any other
form of religious collectives (by the way, i respect the people that dont think
like me).
I believe in something more by my own experiences and thoughts, and i dont
have intention to make others to think like me, faith is something that anyone
should seek by his own will, period.

I hate extremist or any form of extremes, i hate the people that simply cant see
more far than his own nose. sttuborn and prideful minds.

I hate every form of evil, intellectual or physical.

The things i could say about my hobbies or interests are better to be said in
person, if you want to know about me, meet me.

Besides, im an arena artist, you can see my works (not many for now) in my
gallery. Hope you like it.


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Rabbit Gear Report | 09/15/2014 7:07 pm
Rabbit Gear
Consider me your first arena fan. Your pieces are fantastic!

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